[Part 4] Hotwire - between the HTML (server side) and the Javascript rendering. What to choose?

After analyzing HTML (server-side) rendering in [Part 1], JavaScript (client-side) rendering in [Part 2], and Hotwire rendering in [Part 3], we are finally examining how to make a choice. What might be the main criteria for this decision, and what are the consequences of the choice made?

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[Part 3] Hotwire - between the HTML (server side) and the Javascript rendering. What to choose?

After the analysis of HTML (server side) rendering in the [Part 1], and Javascript (client side) rendering in the [Part 2], we are focusing on one "hybrid" idea in this article. In this approach, we are utilizing Hotwire Turbo to take care of GUI rendering. We do utilize minimal Javascript in this approach, and partials rendering is still on the server side. Hotwire Turbo provides us with "all in one" Javascript bundle that autonomously communicates with server and updates GUI as required.

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[Part 2] Hotwire - between the HTML (server side) and the Javascript rendering. What to choose?

After the analysis of HTML (server side) rendering in the [Part 1], we are focusing on purely Javascript rendering in this article. In this approach whole GUI work is delegated to Client side (browser) and server performs only data operations (API). Since whole interface is handled on the Client side and there are no multiple pages (in standard HTML rendering sense) we call these applications "Single Page Applications" (SPA). Frameworks that popularized SPA-s development are Angular, React, Vue and Ember.

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[Part 1] Hotwire - between the HTML (server side) and the Javascript rendering. What to choose?

The user interfaces in web applications have been implemented using different methodologies over time. First, we have had classic HTML rendering. After that, we started to utilize Javascript and partial HTML views. The latest point was the utilization of javascript frameworks for complete interface renderings like React, Angular, Vue, and Ember. Hotwire turbo fits somewhere in between HTML and Javascript rendering. It turns out that there are business problem categories where each of the three approaches is preferable over the others. This article's focus is to describe these different approaches and tackle decision-making process based on the given business problem.

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